Sunday, September 12, 2010

hebron hyderabad news and good things and bad things about this church.

1) Hebron church Bro Bakth singh established.
2) People are not religious.
3)most of them are S.C certificate holders.

4) they are cheatters and liers

1 comment:

  1. Do not Judge lest you be Judged!

    S.C. certificate holders should not accept Jesus?

    People here are not religious as Christianity is not a Religion it is mere faith in JESUS CHRIST the saviour of this world.

    Jesus says all (Hebronites, you & me, irrespective of color,religion,caste,gender or region) have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD.

    'Repentence is important and then leave the sin' is the essence of christianity and following the teachings of Christ.
